The President's Newsletter - August
On the first day of July, I attended the Business and Property Court's Summer Reception at Trinity House on Broad Chare in Newcastle. There was a good attendance from Solicitors, Barristers and Judges from the region. Having a BPC in Newcastle is a great asset for the region. If you are interested in finding out more about the BPC please log onto the BPC Forum website at News | NEWCASTLE Business & Property Courts FORUM (newcastle-bpcf.org.uk).
On the Wednesday of the busy first week, we had one of our signature events, the President's Summer Garden Party in the Secret Garden in Jesmond Dene House. The event was sold out and we enjoyed an excellent evening, just about avoiding the rain! My Charity of the Year is LawCare and we heard from LawCare's CEO Elizabeth Rimmer on the mental wellbeing challenges facing the profession. LawCare is an excellent charity worthy of our support, for further details see LawCare is the mental health charity for the legal sector. Thanks also to our key sponsors NWG Property Solutions (NWPS - Home Page (nwpropertysolutions.co.uk)) and Womble Bond Dickinson.
The following evening the North East legal community came out in force for the Newcastle Legal Walk to raise funds for the Access to Justice Foundation, see Legal Walks - The Access To Justice Foundation (atjf.org.uk). It was tremendous to see so many of us take part. Thank you to Sintons, Hill Dickinson and Womble Bond Dickinson for sponsoring the drinks afterwards at The Cluny.
On Sunday 14 July I attended the Matins for His Majesty's Courts of Justice at Durham Cathedral. It was a privilege to attend on behalf of Newcastle Law Society and recognise all those involved in the administration of justice in the North East.
We had our July Standing Committee meeting on 15 July. As ever it was a packed agenda which included such items as an update from the Newcastle Junior Lawyers' Division, the SRA's Consumer Protection Review, a national Law Society update from one of our Counsel Members Allan Devine and a general update form our Director of Operations, Sanchia Coatsworth. Sanchia informed us that the arrangements for the Annual Dinner on 11 October are progressing well and the tickets are selling fast. Further details will follow in our August Newsletter.
On 18 July I drove to Teesside and met with Melaine Morley, the President of Tees Valley Law Society. We had an excellent meeting where we discussed a number of topics including how our two societies could collaborate further in the future.
Later that day I travelled over to Durham for a meeting with Jonathan Moreland, the Managing Partner of Swinburne Maddison. Jonathan gave me a tour of his impressive offices and we discussed some Durham based initiatives and events which we are looking to pursue. More to follow in this regard.
The Law Society held a Special General Meeting on 23rd July regarding the introduction of the revised TA6, a Law Society form used in conveyancing transactions. I attended a Law Society briefing for local law societies beforehand as well as attending the SGM itself. The Law Society has launched a consultation exercise on the TA6 and we are formulating a response on behalf of Newcastle Law Society. Details of how you can input into the response are included in the Newsletter. It is an important consultation and we are keen to receive your views.
August is a quiet month for Newcastle Law Society activities but there is a lot planned for the Autumn. I look forward to seeing you at these events and hope you all have a great break at some point over the summer.
If you would like any more information about any of the above please contact mail@newcastlelawsociety.co.uk. Please remember to follow us on LinkedIn to stay up to date with developments - Newcastle Upon Tyne Law Society: Overview | LinkedIn