Newcastle upon Tyne Law Society Annual Lecture
The Newcastle Law Society Lecture was given by The Honourable Mr Justice Nicklin. The title of the talk was Transparency and Open Justice: opportunities and challenges.
Mr Justice Nicklin is one of the Presiding Judges for Wales and former Judge in Charge of the Media and Communications List. He was called to the Bar (Lincoln’s Inn) in 1993 and took silk in 2013. He was appointed as a Recorder in 2009, a Deputy High Court Judge in 2017 and a High Court Judge in October 2017. He graduated from Newcastle University in 1992 with a first class degree in Law and before his appointment he was a barrister and media law specialist, and former Joint Head of Chambers at 5RB.
We were privileged to welcome Mr Justice Nicklin to speak on "Transparency & Open Justice: Opportunities and challenges". Mr Justice Nicklin has recently been appointed as Chair of the Transparency and Open Justice Board created by the Lady Chief Justice. It was a fascinating lecture enjoyed by a wide representation from the North East legal sector.Thank you to Samantha Ryan from Newcastle University Law School and Anne Robertson from The University of Law for being fantastic hosts.
For those members who were unable to attend, Mr Justice Nicklin has shared his fascinating presentation. Speech by Mr Justice Nicklin: Transparency & Open Justice - Opportunities and challenges - Courts and Tribunals Judiciary
Thank you to Joshua Rozenberg for highlighting this event. A day in the law - by Joshua Rozenberg - A Lawyer Writes (substack.com)